We are getting behind ourselves with the blog thing thanks to our ability to bring havoc to wifi wherever we stop on the Interstate, from Starbucks to State Line (fyi, very helpful ladies at the Nevada West Wendover welcome center, plus thick shady grass approved of by Chumley.)

Back at the sneaker tree, the road was impressively straight between the 'Nevada speed bumps' of low ranges so numerous they ran out of geologist's to name them after...'Fairview', 'Grayback' and 'New Pass' (check out the terrain view of the Google map below). It was hot, we went for many hours after the BBQ. Stacy, the GPS had to find Austin next (we had less choices than she did, it was the only town in miles.) Austin was an upturn in the road, sporting a perfectly restored western shop with a Lucky Jeans sign so shiny and upscale looking, that it left us un-intrigued. We went on to Eureka, again confusing Stacy as every state has its Eureka moment, it seems.

Hungrier, hotter, and so tired we stumbled over our words, we had our Eureka moment when the receptionist at the Best Western on the four-block main street looked at us and said, straight-faced 'sorry, we are all booked tonight'. There was a teacher convention rolling into town shortly. I warned Judy about teachers traveling in packs and how they can tear up a small town like Eureka, we had to move on -- tired and ready to stop as we were.
It was a desperate moment with the sun setting, more lonely road in front of us, staring at the Chinese-American restaurant, remembering the heartburn from Chinese American the night before.
We were a long, long way from any La Brea Bakeries or even Panera's, or french village bakeries.
It was time to break out the emergency cupcakes.

Thanks to Mike Ventre, the cooler contained two glorious cupcakes of the highest order, one chocolate frosted and one with an inch of vanilla frosting filled with raspberry inside... mmmmmmm........

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Those cupcakes look absolutely sinful!!
Ah, cupcakes...when you're weary from the road and avoiding night two of bad Chinese food, nothing says luvin' like some frosting.
Good job Mikey!
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