Comfort Inn was nice enough to provide a Mongolian sherpa to lead us to our car. Wow. Full service huh? Oh, and while we were at the Flying J we came across the Trucker Goddess. She is the ultimate combination of boredom, strength, and skank. OK hittin' the road now. Stay tuned.
I love the Flying J - when Willie and I drove cross country and back in our "Rock-A-Bago" we would stay at Flying J's. We always stop at one when we drive cross country.
Ever read my Mother Clucker story about driving cross country with my teen-aged sons?
I went out with the Trucker Goddess once. I won't divulge any details, but I will say that she knows how to drive a stick.
Ah the fond memories of the Flying J... I was once mistaken for a Trucker Goddess... oh no... wait... actually... it was not a Trucker Goddess... it was a lot lizard... usually I can pass quite easily for a Quacker... but there must be something about those neon and florescent lights of the Flying J convenience store that gives me an air of danger, sex, and promiscuity...
The sherpa looks more like a Touareg to me.
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