Beverly Shores, Indiana Monday September 10, 2007
Those who know me well, know that I have a keen interest in Amusement Parks, World's Fairs, Architectural History and then, when buildings are abandoned and left to decay I get really interested. Well yesterday, I think that I hit the apex of all of the above. Let me explain. Long before we had the internet, television, Dwell Magazine or Progressive Builder, we had World's Fairs. One of the functions of these international showcases was to disseminate information about new technology and use the exhibition as way to push the envelope in not only technology but the arts, agriculture, city planning, product design etc.. It was the ultimate product placement couched in entertainment but with no subterfuge. The need for world's fairs now is diminished, although part of me thinks a virtual reality world's fair might work. I digress. In 1933/34 the world's fair was set in Chicago. Ok before this becomes graduate school paper 101, I will get to the point. Homes that "solved" certain challenges in building were created for the world's fair. After the fair was completed, when pavillions and exhibition halls are normally torn down, Robert Bartlett bought 5 of the houses, and floated them from the world's fair site to the shores of Indiana to promote a real estate development . That's where we come in. You can read about the history of the houses and the promises their creators made here: Julie and I took some photos that show the state of the houses now. All the official park sites say they are "undergoing major restoration" but from what I can tell they are in worse shape then they were 2 years ago, although the cedar house where Chumley is posing in the previous post is really being worked on. I will come visit again,
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Florida Tropical House , Robert Law Weed Architect
Next entry will have more photos
Hey Judy! Been reading your blog, looks like you've seen lots of cool stuff on your trip. Let me know if you come anywhere near Pittsburgh ;-)
Hi Jude and Julie:
I've been keeping up with the journey -- oh so wishing to be able to cross the country like you guys are, once again.
Can't wait to see your photos in person once
you get yourself to NYC.
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