Always late getting on the bandwagon, I have enlisted my friend Julie to write this blog with me and to drive across the US. Neither activities are unique, but hopefully we can bring our sense of humor and love of the trivial and absurd to this online postcard.
The facts: 2 forty something gals driving a Toyota Prius. 1 fun loving, slightly deranged Boston Terrier named Chumley along for the ride, 10 days or so to hit the high and low points from West to East. Final Destination....Saratoga Springs New York... home of the peppermint pig. (You thought it was known for the oldest racetrack in the US or maybe the incredible water or mineral springs, naaaah it is all about Peppermint Pig.)
So funny to see your blog, Miss Judy...was just thinking about you and wondering are you here, there or somewhere in between! As you once followed my journey westward, now it is my turn to follow your journey eastward. I know you and Julie will have a fabulous time...so looking forward to "coming along for the ride" (so to speak) as you trek along. Stay cool, drive safe and enjoy!
Bon Voyage! You are both my heroes! It has been so much fun to hear this trip develop and now it has come to fruition! Enjoy and be safe (that is the "mom" in me talking!). I'm glad you have Chumley along as your chaperone - although my pack wants to know why I never take them anywhere fun!
Looking forward to reading about all the people you meet and places you go. You are both inspiring!!!!
Much love -
Karen (Tommys Mom) and the pack (Tommy, Oliver, Bella, Walter and Polly)
So great to hear from you Judy - and your adventures with Julie and Chumley. I look forward to following your journey as you wend your way east.
Traveling Mercies
Dearest Jud:
I just read that tomorrow is the 50ith anniversery of the publishing of Kerouac's journey accross America. I do not know about you; however, On The Road opened my eyes to all things possible when I was younger.
Now YOU are opening my eyes to all things that are STILL possible now that we are tad "older"!
Is it a coincidence that you leave the same day that book came out?
Who knows, but is sure adds cachet to your journey and this post!!!
I love you with all my heart, and respect you that much as well.
Travel safe, be smart, trust your gut and and please trust your gut.
Have a great journey. Sunni and Chels say "Hi".
I'm so happy to be on your blog list. I will miss you in LA, but am thrilled that you are taking this adventure, and sharing it with the rest of us. I do hope you will add photos of your journey, of the people you meet and the places you go.Be safe, and mostly, have a wonderful time.
This is so awesome!
I got to make the trip east to west many moons ago, also with a great friend, been waiting to do the reverse trip!
Now I get to do it vicariously from the comfort of my laptop!
Enjoy the Mexican food as you cross the Southwest, always better on the smaller, (but paved roads)!
much love,
ps - no extra charge for the !!!
Hey! The Peppermint Pig link doesn't work. I want to see the famous PEPPERMINT PIG! Travel safe & take gobs of photos - especially of roadside attractions. I have one of me with a GIANT prarie dog in the Badlands which is one of my favorite photos ever!
I was just saying to Kevin yesterday that I wondered if you had started your trip yet and here you are! What an exciting time for you all. Have a great trip and give Chumley a kiss on the sibbons from me! Oh, and if you ever get the urge to wander down to this part of the state we'd love to have you. Or else when we do a run for Guiding Eyes in January (they are in Yorktown Heights, NY) I'll have to look at the map and see if that trip will take us anywhere close to your final destination.
Hugs, Kelley and the six pack of puppers (we got a new Guiding Eyes puppy on Friday...a German Shepherd!)
Judy: will there be any hot girl-on-girl action? I'm just a sucker for hot girl-on-girl action.
Hey Judy--Great to know that you are on your way. May all your adventures be fun ones. If you go through SD. don't miss the badlands, the Çorn Palace in Mitchell and Wall Drug. The badlands will knock your socks off.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Glad to read you are underway! Looking forward to stories from the road and wishing you safe travels. Lots of love from Janie & Jax too.
Dear Judy,
Wishing you and Julie a glorious and safe journey! Can't wait to read your thoughts and experiences as you travel east.
much love,
Martha and Joshua
Best wishes on a safe trip!
Any chance that a stop in Chicago is on your itinerary? Mona and I would both love to see you folks!
Oh yeah, and Cindie
And Bob
And Shawn
And Mary
And Al
And Jax
And Janie
And PJ
And Cookie
And Ike!
And Sydni*
all want to know as well.
Is grilled cheese always safe? I wonder...
I'm following your every word while I'm "OTR" too. Hope the Chumster has settled down. Make sure you post pics of some of the roadside wonders that you pass. Zippy has made me a real fan of these sights. Looking forward to seeing you on the other end. -Bucky
Reading your posts reminds me of the ever-popular Pet Shop Boys song (or is it Liza Minnelli?) "Losing my Mind." It sounds like you're both giddy and having a gas. Be sure to send periodic e-mail blog-check reminders so my too-stressed life can escape to experience your pleasure! xxooss Steven
What up?!
I hope you have the time of your life...so far...
You rock!!!
All my love,
Hi,Judy. I know I am late posting this, but am really enjoying reading all about your cross country adventure. I can relate to so much of it, as Lester and I bought a used RV after he retired, and travelled cross country in it (with a BT and a parakeet)
Take care, dear lady!!!
Judy, yay! I found your blog! And wow, what a trip...there is A LOT to catch up on. All I've done so far is look for pictures of Chumley :) - Lili
Hey Judy!!
Hope you are doing well and enjoying your retirement. : )
i'm soooo jealous!
xobonnie g...
Judy, It's so much fun reading your blog, and seeing your photos. What a wonderful time you are having. Thanks for letting my ride along with your adventure.
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